Labels: blogging , RSS , seo , SERP , social media
Okay, I guess you are done with your first post and it is
live on blog, but after a day or two a question might arise in your mind that
“where’s my traffic?!” To be very straight it is not that simple, and, neither
that hard. It’s like a jigsaw game; you need to arrange each and every cube in
right order. Certainly it takes time and effort to solve jigsaw puzzle so as to
build your own readership or to get regular traffic to your blog/website.
So, now I believe you got the point, but now what!? Therefore,
from here on we will discuss few but very crucial points which can make or
break a good potential blog/website.
your blog: It’s not like you need to update your blog on daily basis. Just
try to post fresh content on regular basis, let’s say 2 times a week. It is
very important that you stick to a time-table, maintain a personal calendar and
do follow it, anyhow! Do so, for few months or in some cases in few weeks and
people will surely notice you, so as search engine. In case, you run out of
ideas, follow few blogs or just ask your friends and follower that what they
would like to read. Such steps will surely help you to maintain or increase a
readership for your blog.
Remember to post unique content to your
blog, such content hold lot of importance. Unique content doesn’t mean that you
cannot write in a niche or about a topic that your fellow bloggers has already
written about. Just write it in your own words, built a writing
style of your own, and be a bit different from others.
2. Quality rather than Quantity: It is a
mantra for successes. It doesn’t require any rocket science knowledge to
understand that good content often get more traffic. There is no sense if your
posts are not engaging enough, so write well… as simple as that. Take your time
to develop an interesting post, proof read it once for any spelling mistakes or
grammatical error. Don’t make it look “big
boring paragraph”, no one read such things, break it into points and
remember to highlight key points.
3. Subscribe by Email: It an excellent
feature, allowing readers to subscribe you updates can generate substantial
amount of traffic to your site. Though, many bloggers believe that it is a lost
art but if you hit the right note… then who knows it can be one of the most
valuable asset for you? So go and get one NOW!
4. Really Simple Syndication, it’s called as
RSS: RSS is nothing but a link with your post title and post summaries,
though you can customize it as per your requirement. Most important are links,
links that are pointing back at your website and I believe we all love links,
isn’t it!? Simple yet effective. It gives you the power to spread your words
all over the interest. Distribute your feeds in RSS directories at all level and
let the magic begin! Sooner or later, traffic will drive to you.
5. Go Social and Engage, engage and engage: Update
your status, tweet about it, digg it, introduce your blog to social networking
sites. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can drive traffic that you
have never imaged of. Though, only thing between you and traffic is TIME, yes
it takes somewhat time to build an image in-front of your followers and
friends. Be fairly active on such sites; share informative material to your
followings. Increase your amplification and true reach, that’s how you get
attention in social media, for a bit it seems somewhat hard to do so, which it is!
But after some consistent stroke hitting it will become a piece of cake.
Follow this step and surely you will hit the target. Also,
don’t forget to optimize your blog, conduct some SEO activities and build a
better looking blog/website for search engine crawler. For now that’s it from
my side, will come some more facts about promotion in upcoming post. Till then
have a good time out there….