To get a good rank in search engine isn’t an easy task for many. New algorithms and the latest fad made search engines smarter and well-informed, hence it requires just more than updating your site with fresh content.
Therefore, to get best out of your site, SEO (i.e. Search Engine Optimization) brought in effect. If you are new to this term then let me elaborate you about SEO, “SEO is a sequence of techniques applied to your blog to increase or improve your blog/website visibility in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing with organic or natural techniques”. There are two well know factors in SEO, first one is on-page factor here we emphasize on keywords, Meta tags, links and site structure. In off-page factor, our focus shift to website PageRank and hyperlink analysis (link exchange and stuff). Thou, to avoid manipulation in search engines, only On-page techniques are considered.
Today, we are going to talk about On-page optimization, it is very first step of SEO. Several times, it has asked to me, why on-page optimization is so important? While through off-page optimization one can achieve its set goal. Well, both techniques carry equal importance in SEO field and have interdependence nature to each other, but when we talk about On-page optimization, it is less time consuming process than Off-page optimization. If on-page optimization is done properly then one can achieve satisfactory results in search engine ranking, which means better visibility more traffic.
Now we are going to discuses about On-page optimization techniques which you can use! You can apply them on your blog/website and outburst its hidden potential and you can win excellent CTR (i.e. Click-Through-Rate) Ratio. Following are the important aspect in on-page optimization:
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• Title Optimization:
Title optimization is said to be most important factor in website optimization, it is a small description about your site through which your visitors can figure out what is your blog all about, it should be enough appealing to searchers, if you are able to do so, then hundreds of clicks are waiting for your website; hence-forth it is important for you to pay attention while creating Title tag for your website. Following are some important points one should be remember while optimizing Title:
->Your business name or your name, site name and what is your site about should be there, it’s important. Remember if, your business is not a big or well known then, you should chose such phrase which searcher use more, research those keywords or keyphrases that are used most.
->Keyword selection, if you are targeting a particular keyword for your website then it is always good to place in your title tag. Remember, do not make it hotchpotch and make sure it is sensible, also see it is good for the search engine prospective.
->There are some restrictions that how long title should be, different search engine have different criteria like Google have limit of 65 characters (including spaces) and Yahoo and Bing have limit of 106 characters (including spaces).
• Meta Tags Optimization:
You might hear from many people that Meta Tags are not important as they were before, but I still think they have an important role in on-page optimization. Keyword and description optimization have equal importance and pay attention towards this field. If you are missing them then you might also missing valuable traffic from your site. It is a way to redirect search engine bots to include your site in search engine page result. Meta tags should be unique and different for every single page of your site. Thou, tags are not visible to your visitors but they are used by web crawlers to fetch data from your site. One can view source code of your website (but can’t change it) through Ctrl+U.
->Keyword Optimization:
Keyword tags are important to index in crawler-based search engines. Keywords are a way to represent your site theme. As I state in my recent publish post about Keyword Optimization, Keywords and keyphrases should be chosen carefully, and should not repeated more than three times (including word or phrase variation). Put yourself into some R & D work to conclude which keywords are you going to chose? Second point to remember in keyword optimization is, check competition for keywords, keywords which have less competition but high searches.
->Meta Description Tag:
Description tags are used by search engine spiders and text in description tag appears in snippet of search result under your anchor text or title text.
• HTML Tags & Image Optimization:
Look and feel is a key ingredient for your website; you need to attract visitors to make your website popular. If we talk about HTML tags then there are several tags which give you freedom of showing your creativity. For example, chose right fonts size and style for website text, see it is readable to your users. Try to use header tags, if necessary use Bold and Italic character too. Make your text or article SEO friendly, first benefit of these techniques is easy to get highlighted and high privilege by search engines.
Image Optimization can be useful if your site consists too many images, drawback is search engine cannot read images; hence you need to optimize them. Web crawler translating process is different, while crawling; they can read only text but not images, therefore, here you need to use some special tags such as ALT tags for embedding website images to make them useful for search engines too.
• Link optimization:
Links are crucial part of your site, and it becomes essential to optimize site’s internal and external links. Search engine gives lot of weight-age for links and it is necessary for your visitor to navigate them through-out site.
-Anchor Text: Use proper keywords and link to connect with other website/blog
-Only Link Structure: It’s necessary to build a proper and clean structure of links to your website.
These kind of minute details help us in getting the most out of our SEO work.
On-page optimization will be foundation of SEO... yes search engines are regular updating there algorithms but keywords and meta tags use to play key role to bring your site in top SERP results
Image optimization can also do wonders, if done properly ..
i completely agree with Dr. George..
on-page optimization is important factor, steps like keyword analysis and fetching keyword competition is important part for website..
thanks for sharing ..
In SEO their are two quotes used they are on page and of page the first thing to be optimized in any site is On page very informative post thanks for sharing.